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    InicioReflexionesDaily Devotional for September 7, 2005

    Daily Devotional for September 7, 2005

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    SEPTEMBER 7, 2005

    BIBLE MEDITATION:   Psalm 56:3-4, ?What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. In God I will praise His word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me.?

    DEVOTIONAL TREASURE:   Someone asked me, ?How do we do to make sense of the recent tragedies that have occurred? With sadness in my heart for the great loss of life, I answered them that the Bible says clearly and plainly, ?in the last days, perilous times will come? (2 Timothy 3:1). We are seeing this Scripture fulfilled which lets us know that the rest of the Scripture is going to be fulfilled. Indeed, all of history fits into the sockets of prophecy. Our King is on His way and this earth will become the kingdom of our Lord and His Christ. There is no panic in heaven. God is not in heaven wringing His hands wondering what He is going to do. The Holy Trinity never meets in emergency sessions. God will turn even the wrath of man into praises for His glory that will be known (see Psalm 76:10).  So the first thing we need to do is believe upon God?s great Truth and not to panic.  Panic is antithetical to faith and really is kind of a disgrace to God. If there were ever a time to trust God, this is the time.

    ACTION POINT:   Pray for all of those who have lost loved ones. Many are wondering why this happened. They are loaded with questions and are laden with sadness. They are ripe to hear the Good News of God?s love in the midst of tragedy. Pray for God to send many into the fields, for they are ripe for harvest.

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    Pastor Carlos Vargas Valdez
    Pastor Carlos Vargas Valdezhttps://www.devocionalescristianos.org
    Es esposo de la mejor mujer, padre de 2 hijos maravillosos, pastor y director de Desafío Joven. En los últimos 12 años ha trabajado con jóvenes, padres y líderes juveniles. Estudio en Rhema Bible Training Center. Su servicio con la palabra de Dios se ha extendido por más de 27 países en 13 idiomas. Es director ejecutivo y consultor de varios ministerios cristianos, desarrollando conferencias, cursos bíblicos, libros, estudios, devocionales, vídeos y recursos para la vida espiritual.

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