26.4 C
domingo, junio 30, 2024

    In His Step

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    Dearly Beloved,
    «By grace are we saved not by works lest no man should boast about.»
    It is amazing that while we are yet sinners Christ
    died for us. What a mighty  God we serve! It is out the joy of
    salvation that i share my testimony with you. I am Harrison Dale ,
    the legal adviser to late Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jason, an America couple
    that lived here in the United Kingdom for over 28years, before
    they both died in an auto crash late last year on their way to a
    crusade being organized in the Northern Irelands. They were dedicated
    Christians, and they were believers in word an act.Although they had
    no progeny they believed God for one until their unfortunuate
    death.While they were in my country, they were wealthy in landed properties .
    As their legal adviser, before their death, the husband Mr. Paul Jason
    instructed me to write his WILL. Because they had no child, they 
    dedicated their wealth to God. According to the WILL, the properties
    have to  be disposed and the proceeds realised channelled into a
    ministry for the work of God or any humanitarian endeavour. Being
    their attorney, all the documents for the properties were in my care. He
    gave me the authority to sell the properties and give out the  fund to 
    ministries for the work of God.
    After the demise of the couples, the properties was disposed off  as
    instructed by Mr. Paul Jason before his death. And as matter of fact,
    after I sold all their properties, I realized more than
    3,500,000.00 (Three  million  five hundred thousand  British pounds sterling plus),
    and what supposed to be the percentage interest of my right legal fee was
    firstly deducted by me out of the total amount realized from the sold
    properties, this was based on the initial agreement between me and the
    owner of the properties before his death. Therefore the total amount left to be
    channeled into God’s work as instructed by the Mr. Paul Jason, is
    L3,500,000.00 (Three Million five hundred thousand pounds sterling)
    only. But Instead of giving the main fund out for the work of God
    as initially instructed to me by the owner before his death, I
    converted the fund to myself with the intention of investing the fund
    abroad for my personal use instead of giving the money out as
    instructed by the owner before his death. I was afraid of putting the
    fund in the Bank, because I have to give account to the bank on how I
    got the money. I used a Finance company which has an overseas office
    to  deposit the funds . The Finance and  security company on my
    instructions has since moved the funds to their office in Italy.  
    However, I later had encounter with Christ when Evangelist Reinhard
    Bonnke was preaching on television concerning Ananias and Saphira in
    Acts 5:1-11. After hearing the word of God, I gave my life to Christ
    and became a born again Christian. As my growth in the Lord began i
    came across  the book of Proverbs 28:13  that said»He that covereth
    his sins shall not prosper: but who so ever confesseth  and 
    forsaketh them shall have mercy».I confessed my sins of greed and illegal
    appropriation of another man’s wealth. From the scripture, I
    discovered that the only way I could have peace in my life is to do what is
    lawful and right by giving out the fund as instructed for the work of God by
    the owner before his death.I have asked God for forgiveness and I
    know that God have forgiven me. But I have to do what is lawful and
    right in the sight of God by channeling the funds into the Lord’s
    ministry work or for Charity as instructed by the owner before his
    After my fasting and prayers, I asked God to make his choice and
    direct me to a honest Christian or the chosen ministry that deserves
    this fund by his Grace. I then contacted you, and as a matter of
    fact,it is not only you or your ministry that I picked  initially, but
    after my fervent prayer over it, then you were nominated to me through
    divine revelation from God.
    I have notified the Finance Company where I deposited the funds that
    i will soon transfer the deposit out of their custody to a recipient.
    So if you know that you will use this fund honestly and wisely for
    the things that will glorify God’s name, then do urgently contact me back
    and the details will be given to you on howyou will be able to receive
    the fund in your country.
    In line with my desire to ensure compliance with the wishes and desire
    of the Jason,I will shoulder the financial responsibilites associated
    with the transfer of the funds
    Yours in Christ
    Harrison Dale.



    Pastor Carlos Vargas Valdez
    Pastor Carlos Vargas Valdezhttps://www.devocionalescristianos.org
    Es esposo de la mejor mujer, padre de 2 hijos maravillosos, pastor y director de Desafío Joven. En los últimos 12 años ha trabajado con jóvenes, padres y líderes juveniles. Estudio en Rhema Bible Training Center. Su servicio con la palabra de Dios se ha extendido por más de 27 países en 13 idiomas. Es director ejecutivo y consultor de varios ministerios cristianos, desarrollando conferencias, cursos bíblicos, libros, estudios, devocionales, vídeos y recursos para la vida espiritual.

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