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    InicioReflexionesRisking Your Life For Jesus - Daily Devotional

    Risking Your Life For Jesus – Daily Devotional

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    Risking Your Life For Jesus
    by Jon Walker

    … To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away. Luke 19:26 (NLT)

    Jesus once told the story of a master who asked three servants to handle his money while he was away. He gave each of them a sum of money, and when he returned, the first servant told the master he’d doubled the money through investments, and the second servant said he’d made the master a 50-percent profit on the money. But the third servant said he’d been afraid the master would punish him for making mistakes — so he hid the money in the cellar until the master’s return.

    The master rewarded the first two servants, saying those who handle a little well will be given even more. But he rebuked the third servant, saying, «… Risk your life and get more than you ever dreamed of. Play it safe and end up holding the bag.» (Luke 19:26, Msg)

    Jesus requires his disciples to take risks because those risks are the substance of our faith. They stretch us to live by faith instead of living by sight. They stretch us from an independent, self-directed life to one dependent and directed by God.

    If we don’t take the risks required to follow Jesus, then we can’t do many of the things Jesus commands us to do. If we don’t take steps of faith, then we’re living faithlessly.

    What Now?

    · Risk great things for God — You take a faith-filled risk when you attempt to do tasks that are impossible unless God gives you his strength.

    · Risk loving others — You take a faith-filled risk when you love other believers so deeply and richly that you catch the world’s attention by the way you reflect God’s love.

    · Risk telling others — You take a faith-filled risk when you change the priorities of your life, making telling others about Jesus among the most important things you do.

    · Risk obeying God — You take a faith-filled risk when you abandon yourself to God, loving him with your whole heart, soul, strength, and mind.

    © 2007 Jon Walker. All rights reserved.

    Devocionales Cristianos www.devocionalescristianos.org

    Pastor Carlos Vargas Valdez
    Pastor Carlos Vargas Valdezhttps://www.devocionalescristianos.org
    Es esposo de la mejor mujer, padre de 2 hijos maravillosos, pastor y director de Desafío Joven. En los últimos 12 años ha trabajado con jóvenes, padres y líderes juveniles. Estudio en Rhema Bible Training Center. Su servicio con la palabra de Dios se ha extendido por más de 27 países en 13 idiomas. Es director ejecutivo y consultor de varios ministerios cristianos, desarrollando conferencias, cursos bíblicos, libros, estudios, devocionales, vídeos y recursos para la vida espiritual.

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