Magazine: Israel My Glory (January-February 2012)

Theme: The Book of Esther

Does history repeat itself? Yes, of course. But what’s the success rate for learning from past experiences? Not too good. That’s why we’ve chosen the book of Esther for the theme articles in this issue. All of the ingredients for past-present comparisons are here. But most important are the lessons for life that are indispensible for these last days. Mordecai’s challenge to Jewish Queen Esther is the urgent call to you and me: “Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Est. 4:14). If you want to make a difference, here’s what you need to know. And for spiritual refreshing, check out the beautiful cover photo of the land preserved for the people Esther stepped up to save. It is of the wall of the Old City, Jerusalem, Israel (Richard Norwitz/Corbis).

Note: Starting on January, 2012, Israel My Glory will be available in a Digital Edition. If you are interested in getting more information, click the link below:

The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry

Revista Israel Mi Gloria en Español


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