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sábado, junio 29, 2024

    Daily Devotional

    Devotional Daily – Resolve Anger Quickly

    Resolve Anger Quickly by Rick Warren If you are angry, be...

    Devotional Daily – Choosing a Simpler Life

    Choosing a Simpler Life by Rick Warren . . . a...

    Devotional Daily – The Witchcraft of Rebellion by Jon Walker

    The Witchcraft of Rebellion by Jon Walker For rebellion is as...

    Daily Devotional – Love That Sweats

    Love That Sweats by Jon Walker We continually remember before our...

    Daily Devotional – The Time of Your Life

    The Time of Your Life by Rick Warren The Time of...

    Daily Davotional – The Suffering Of A Saint

    The Suffering Of A Saint by Jon Walker    “We carry the death of Jesus in our body, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.” (2 Corinthians 4:10 HCSB) *** *** *** *** When we confess our belief in Jesus as the Holy One of God, we often assume our lives will become easier. It doesn’t help that...

    Making Allowance For Each Other’s Faults

    Making Allowance For Each Other’s Faults by Jon Walker“Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.” (Ephesians 4:2b NLT) The more we understand, the more patient we become. When we see the hurt beneath the anger, or the reason behind the behavior, we’re more likely to “make allowance for each...

    Daily Devotional – Designed To Benefit Others

    Designed To Benefit Others by Jon WalkerGod has given gifts to each of you from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Manage them well so that God's generosity can flow through you. … Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then God will be given glory. (1 Peter 4:10-11 NLT)...

    R-E-S-P-E-C-T – Daily Devotional

    R-E-S-P-E-C-T by Jon Walker     "Excel in showing respect for each other." (Romans 12:10b, GW)     Respect begins with a godly perspective. Respect means we see one another through our Father's eyes as eternal beings (John 3:16) chosen by God "for the high calling of priestly work … God's instruments to do his work and speak out for him …." (1Peter 2:9, Msg). It...

    Kenneth Copeland – The Power of Love

    The Power of Love "But faith...worketh by love."(Galatians 5:6) I used to wonder why we believers didn't see more of the power of God operating among us than we do. With what we know about faith and the Word, it seemed to me signs and wonders and miracles should be happening all the time. So,...

    As Quiet As A Child – Daily Devotional

    Christian reflections As Quiet As A Childby Jon Walker I don't concern myself with matters too great or awesome for me. But I have stilled and quieted myself, just as a small child is quiet with its mother. Yes, like a small child is my soul within me. O Israel, put your hope in the LORD...



    La Intercesión: Una Arma poderosa en la Biblia A. Introducción Hoy más que nunca en la historia de la humanidad, Dios está buscando hombres y mujeres que estén dispuestos a ponerse...

    Oración de Intercesión

    Hola a todos, qué gusto saludarlos, bueno el motivo de este e-mail es pedirle que intercedan por mí, pues estoy atravesando cosas que no me agradan y a veces...

    5 Caracteristicas de la Iglesia Primitiva En La Biblia

    La Iglesia Primitiva: Una Iglesia de Oración (Hechos 1:14) Los discípulos se reunían unánimes. Este término, que ocurre once veces en los Hechos, es una de las claves para descubrir...

    ¿Cómo sembrar amor, fe y oración para las nuevas generaciones?

    “Yo os he enviado a segar lo que vosotros no labrasteis; otros labraron, y vosotros habéis entrado en sus labores” Juan 4:38 (RV1960). Hace algún tiempo, el hermano de un...

    La Sabiduría en Silencio: Aprendiendo de Job en la Biblia

    ¿Qué es lo único que necesitamos saber bajo cualquier circunstancia en la vida? La Palabra nos responde: "Estad quietos y conoced que yo soy Dios" Salmos 46:10 (RV1960). Si Job...

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