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jueves, julio 18, 2024

    Daily Devotional

    Devotional Daily – Resolve Anger Quickly

    Resolve Anger Quickly by Rick Warren If you are angry, be...

    Devotional Daily – Choosing a Simpler Life

    Choosing a Simpler Life by Rick Warren . . . a...

    Devotional Daily – The Witchcraft of Rebellion by Jon Walker

    The Witchcraft of Rebellion by Jon Walker For rebellion is as...

    Daily Devotional – Love That Sweats

    Love That Sweats by Jon Walker We continually remember before our...

    Daily Devotional – The Time of Your Life

    The Time of Your Life by Rick Warren The Time of...

    Daily Devotional – Aims + Goals

    AIMS + GOALSA big part of our failures and frustrations come from the fact that we haven't achieved the goals we had when the year started. You may say: "I know that!". However, allow me to dig a little deeper into what we already know. A while ago I was inspired by...

    Daily Devotional – If God Brings You To It

    IF GOD BRINGS YOU TO IT If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it. Happy moments, praise God. Difficult moments, seek God. Quiet moments, worship God. Painful moments, trust God. Every moment, thank God. -- Author Unknown

    The ‘Risk’ of Obedience – Daily Devotional

    The 'Risk' of Obedience by Mark Kelly Over the past few years, Mark Kelly has been graciously working behind the scenes to edit these devotionals, keeping them consistent and clear. Today, we offer a devotional from him. – jw " was trusting God so much that he was...

    Helping Each Other Through Change – Daily Devotional

    Helping Each Other Through Change by Rick Warren "I hope you will be patient with me …." (2 Corinthians 11:1a, NLT) In order to manage change, you must remember five things – Love each other The first mistake most people make during change is...

    God Spoke You Into Existence – Daily Devotional

    2007/08/21     God Spoke You Into Existenceby Jon Walker"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my spokesman to the world." (Jeremiah 1:5, NLT)Dear one, you were started as an idea in the mind of God! Wow! You exist because the God of...

    Daily Devotional – Coping With Stress

    <><     <><     <><     <><     <><     <><     <><     <><     <>< COPING WITH STRESS A lecturer, when explaining stress management to an audience, raised a glass of water and asked, "How heavy is this glass of water?"   Answers called out ranged from 20g to 500g. The lecturer replied, "The absolute weight doesn't matter. It depends on how...



    La Intercesión: Una Arma poderosa en la Biblia A. Introducción Hoy más que nunca en la historia de la humanidad, Dios está buscando hombres y mujeres que estén dispuestos a ponerse...

    Oración de Intercesión

    Hola a todos, qué gusto saludarlos, bueno el motivo de este e-mail es pedirle que intercedan por mí, pues estoy atravesando cosas que no me agradan y a veces...

    5 Caracteristicas de la Iglesia Primitiva En La Biblia

    La Iglesia Primitiva: Una Iglesia de Oración (Hechos 1:14) Los discípulos se reunían unánimes. Este término, que ocurre once veces en los Hechos, es una de las claves para descubrir...

    ¿Cómo sembrar amor, fe y oración para las nuevas generaciones?

    “Yo os he enviado a segar lo que vosotros no labrasteis; otros labraron, y vosotros habéis entrado en sus labores” Juan 4:38 (RV1960). Hace algún tiempo, el hermano de un...

    La Sabiduría en Silencio: Aprendiendo de Job en la Biblia

    ¿Qué es lo único que necesitamos saber bajo cualquier circunstancia en la vida? La Palabra nos responde: "Estad quietos y conoced que yo soy Dios" Salmos 46:10 (RV1960). Si Job...

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