28.8 C
jueves, julio 18, 2024

    Etiqueta: daily devotionals

    Daily Devotional – Just a Box of Crayons

    JUST A BOX OF CRAYONS While walking in a toy store The day before today, I over heard a Crayon...

    Sin And Self-Centeredness – Daily Devotional

    Sin And Self-Centeredness by Jon Walker   "We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love other believers." (1 John 3:14 GW) Living for...

    Patience With Imperfection – Daily Devotional

    by Jon Walker "Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other's faults because of your love." (Ephesians 4:2b NLT) Humorist Dave Barry says, "A...

    Daily Devotional – Grace

    GRACE The boy stood with back arched, head cocked back and hands clenched defiantly. "Go ahead, give it to me." ...


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